When Do You Need Dental Sealants? What Do Dental Sealants Cost?

When Do You Need Dental Sealants? What Do Dental Sealants Cost?

Oct 01, 2022

Brushing and flossing your teeth is essential, but dental sealants remain an excellent solution to prevent children from getting cavities. The CDC (centers for disease control and prevention) has spoken about the benefits of this relatively simple and affordable procedure for children to prevent holes from affecting their teeth.

Dental sealants are a slimy coating painted on teeth as a preventive measure against cavities. Approximately over 50 percent of children have cavities on their teeth because the trend of dental sealants is gaining traction. However, dental sealants are an effective and safe technique for preventing cavities and have remained so for over four decades.

When Do You Need Dental Sealants?

The pediatric dentist near you recommends dental sealants on children’s molars soon after they develop at six, 12, and 18. Children developing molars have grooves in them called pits and fissures, and the dentist suggests getting them sealed soon after they erupt.

Sealing of baby and primary teeth is also recommended if the child can tolerate this painless procedure which requires them to sit still in the dentist’s chair with their mouths open without moving for a few minutes. However, baby and primary teeth receive sealants if they are at an increased risk of tooth decay.

Seeking advice on when to seal teeth from the pediatric dental clinic in Colombia is recommended because any vulnerable surfaces of the teeth need sealing. However, retention of the sealants is optimal in the pits and fissures.

Age does not matter when getting sealants because adults also benefit from them. Exposure to tooth decay increases with age because saliva’s protective quality and biochemistry undergo changes with medications over time. Therefore adults are also candidates for dental sealants so long as they do not have restorations on their teeth.

Children are chronically exposed to cavities because they favor sticky and starchy foods of the sugary variety and don’t have the skills necessary to clean their molars. Sealing children’s molars soon after erupting from the pediatric dentist in Colombia helps create a smoother surface over the molars, making them straightforward to clean and preventing entrapment of food particles that encourage mouth bacteria to feast on them and deposit toxins on the teeth to cause enamel erosion and cavities.

An application of sealants on children’s molars helps prevent 80 percent of cavities for the initial two years after receiving them. However, the protection remains ongoing against 50 percent of holes for another four years. The sealants stay on children’s teeth for approximately nine years, although they require monitoring for chipping and cracking during regular dental appointments.

What Do Dental Sealants Cost?

Getting dental sealants on children’s molars is unlike cosmetic dentistry procedures that set you back by a constable sum. This painless procedure costs between $ 30-$ 60 per molar but helps prevent considerable expenditure on treating tooth decay with restorations like fillings, root canal treatments, extractions, space maintainers for children’s teeth, et cetera. In addition, some insurance and discount plans can reduce the costs of dental sealants.

After getting dental sealants on children’s molars from the pediatric dentist 29223, you must ensure your kid refrains from foods and beverages harmful to their dental health and maintains excellent dental hygiene, brushing twice as recommended by their dentist, flossing at least once and taking them for dental exams and cleaning at recommended intervals by the pediatric dentist. The presence of dental sealants on children’s molars shouldn’t encourage you or them to neglect excellent dental hygiene practices or indulge in harmful foods and beverages primarily responsible for tooth decay and cavities.

Research available on the effectiveness of dental sealants claims about 43 percent of children between six and 11 have them on their teeth benefit from them because they make it less likely for children to develop cavities during the developmental stages. Children without sealants from low-income households are three times more likely to have holes resulting in lost time in school because of discomfort from toothaches and challenges when eating or performing everyday activities besides spending more time for dental visits to get their teeth restored.

Dental sealants are best applied by experienced pediatric dentists who complete the procedure in a few minutes to allow children to proceed with their everyday activities soon after receiving them.

We Care Pediatric Dentistry suggests this painless and cost-effective preventive measure on children’s teeth to enable children to clean their molars without confronting challenges. If your child doesn’t have sealants on their teeth, consider scheduling an appointment with this practice to protect your child’s teeth and notice your savings account gradually fattening over time.