Let Your Child Benefit from Children’s Dentistry Program in Colombia, SC

Let Your Child Benefit from Children’s Dentistry Program in Colombia, SC

Jan 01, 2021

Do you think your child doesn’t need any dental care from a specialized professional like a children’s dentist, and taking them to your family dentist is sufficient? You are committing a grave error by keeping your child from receiving specialized dental attention early. Your family dentist may undoubtedly be the best professional in South Carolina, treating patients of all ages. However, the pediatric dentist in Colombia, South Carolina, is a specialist understanding children’s needs better than any other professional. It is why you must take children to the kid’s dentist instead of your family dentist.

What Makes a Pediatric Dentist Different?

Pediatric dentists receive additional training and qualifications after completing dental school and work in a residency program treating children exclusively. They are the experts in identifying problems solely limited to children. They receive training to treat children from infancy until adolescence and manage children with special needs.

Children’s dental requirements are distinct from those of adults. Despite treating patients of all ages, family dentists find it challenging to identify issues like delayed teething, malocclusion and misaligned teeth, and other topics familiar with them. Children perceive dental procedures intimidating just like adults and make every effort to avoid visits to dental offices. However, it is crucial to have children’s milk teeth evaluated regularly by pediatric dentists for signs of dental caries and tooth decay. A family dentist may not have the time or the patience to look closely at children’s mouths in an environment non-conducive for pediatric dentistry.

When Should Your Children Have Their First Dental Appointment?

Pediatric dentists recommend children have their first dental appointment on the eruption of their first tooth or by age one, as suggested by the AAPD. These dental professionals recognize every child is different and have a unique approach to helping children complete the required dental treatment. Pediatric dentists offer advice on behavioral supervision methods for children based on their health history, dental needs, special healthcare requirements, type of treatment needed, emotional and intellectual development, parental preferences, and the consequences of receiving no treatment.

Why Must Children’s Teeth Be Maintained in a Healthy Condition?

Children shed their milk teeth eventually for replacements with permanent teeth. However, it is imperative to maintain milk teeth in a healthy condition. The risks of tooth decay and dental caries among children increase when their baby teeth are not maintained properly. Dental plaque and tooth decay often affect children who enjoy sugary and sticky foods while neglecting dental hygiene. Pediatric dentists are professionals encountering tooth decay among children continuously.

You may find this information difficult to believe, but gingivitis and dental abscesses are just as familiar in children as adults. The problem is quickly managed by pediatric dentists who suggest regular dental exams and cleanings besides maintaining good dental hygiene by brushing and flossing the children’s teeth, helping them maintain a healthy set of teeth for life.

Children Enjoy Visiting Pediatric Dentist’s Offices

If pediatric dentists are exclusively managing children, they have realized they cannot have a dental practice scaring away children from visiting them. They have successfully managed to overcome this challenge by creating unique practices designed for children.

Besides investing in decor that children prefer, dentists also have games, audiovisual equipment, and other curiosities to keep children occupied during dental visits. Having children visit dental practices is not the only aim of pediatric dentists who primarily look forward to providing treatments necessary for children.

Pediatric dentists also invest in child-friendly equipment, which they proudly display before children, and even explain what the tools are used for before actually using them on the child. All children receive small gifts when leaving the dental practice giving them an impression they were on a casual trip to have a good time instead of receiving dental treatments.

Finding an appropriate pediatric dentist for your child should not be a challenge in South Carolina, especially if you are willing to make a few inquiries. Your friends and other family members will recommend that you visit Drs Ellis, Green, and Jenkins at Caitlin Cox Reaves with your child for a free consultation. The visit allows you to understand how these dental professionals provide comprehensive treatments needed by children starting from routine exams and cleanings or even anesthesia if they require intensive treatments.

Giving your child a positive start early in life with their dental health helps to educate them to maintain their oral health in excellent condition throughout their lives. You mustn’t overlook this opportunity in Colombia and let your child enjoy the benefits of the children’s dentistry program available over here.