Caring for Children’s Oral Hygiene

Caring for Children’s Oral Hygiene

Sep 01, 2020

Your child’s overall health depends on healthy teeth. Your child receives the help they need when eating or talking when their teeth are healthy. Potent oral care helps to set excellent dental habits when the child is growing, but poor dental hygiene results in infection, disease, and other problems with the teeth.

The responsibility of making dental hygiene fun rests on your shoulders. Therefore using some tips can prove beneficial for the child. What are the dental tips to follow to make dental hygiene fun?

  • Let your child choose his or her toothbrush with their favorite character and color.
  • You can allow your child to choose the toothpaste they want and the flavor.
  • Make sure that a child brushes for at least two minutes by using a timer.
  • Reward children for good dental hygiene without giving them sugary foods or treats.
  • Plan fun activities after a child’s dental visit.

Setting the Path to Excellent Dental Health

Fluoride Treatments

Your child’s dental health benefits from fluoride treatments that help to reduce cavities in the primary and permanent teeth. Fluoride strengthens the teeth by hardening the enamel. If the tap water in your area of residence does not contain fluoride, the child may need fluoride treatments from the dentist in Colombia, SC.

Brushing and Flossing

The best time to begin excellent dental hygiene is when your child is a baby. You can start by using a child-sized toothbrush with soft bristles from the age of one of two. The child’s teeth must be brushed twice a day with water. A small dab of toothpaste without fluoride can be added when brushing.

You can switch to fluoride toothpaste once the child is old enough to spit it out. Have your pediatrician or dentist show you the proper way to brush your child’s teeth. Children need help with brushing until they are seven or eight years old. They can use a larger toothbrush around this time. Just make sure you replace the toothbrush every three months and teach the child to floss their teeth after brushing at least once a day. Children must also be introduced to brush their tongue to reduce the number of bacteria in their mouths.

Nutrition And Diet

Children must be offered healthy food choices to prevent the risks of cavities. They must be encouraged to avoid too much sugar both in foods and beverages.

Dental Caries

The problem with dental caries can occur when bacteria buildup in the mouth of the child. Sugars in the foods and beverages they have to interact with the bacteria to convert into acids. Dental caries is a chronic problem among children because their teeth are challenging to brush. Children born prematurely with low birth weight are prone to dental caries.

Visiting a Pediatric Dentist

Children must be taken to a pediatric dentist by the age of one recommends the American Academy of pediatric dentistry. It allows the dentist to identify problems with your child’s teeth. Pediatric dentists like Drs Ellis, Green, and Jenkins, specialize in treating the child’s dental health. The dental professionals will also guide you about proper oral care for the child.

Visiting Dr. Ellis from an early age will help the child become comfortable with the dental office while also establishing the habit of regular dental checkups. The dentist must be contacted whenever your child has tooth pain or mouth infection.

Questions You Must Ask the Pediatric Dentist?

Children’s mouths are in the developing stages, making it essential for you to regularly adapt to the variations. You can educate yourselves about the changes by asking the following questions with the pediatric dentist:

  • Does your child require oral fluoride supplements?
  • Can your child use mouthwash?
  • Is your child at a high risk of dental caries?
  • What type of toothbrush is best suited for your child?
  • How often should the child’s dental visits be scheduled?
  • Is it okay for your child to chew gum?

The answers provided by the pediatric dentist will prepare you to care for children’s dental health and ensure the child does not have to deal with any dental issues at an early age. It will also set them on the path to excellent oral hygiene, providing them with an opportunity to enjoy better overall health.