5 Things You Need to Know Before Having a Tooth Extraction

5 Things You Need to Know Before Having a Tooth Extraction

Mar 01, 2023

Does it scare you to think about your scheduled dental appointment regarding dental extraction? Tooth extractions can be among the scariest procedures to undergo. The anticipation of a painful experience makes it even harder. Fortunately, modern dentistry has come a long way to ensure that tooth extraction procedures are pain-free and seamless for patients.

What is a Tooth Extraction?

It is a dental procedure that permanently removes a natural tooth from the jawbone. Columbia dentists perform many tooth extraction procedures to benefit oral health. Usually, a dentist will recommend extraction in Columbia, SC, when it is absolutely necessary for maintaining good oral health. Some factors that necessitate a tooth extraction are:

  1. Severe tooth decay – dentists cannot safely salvage your tooth through other treatments.
  2. Deep tooth fractures – one of the ways to treat a deep crack or break is by extracting the tooth.
  3. Impacted teeth – feature teeth that grow improperly, remaining partially or wholly stuck underneath the gums. They cause dental pain and can prohibit optimal oral functionality.
  4. Overcrowding – is an orthodontic problem that features a severe misalignment of teeth. Having large teeth or more teeth than there is space in your jawbone results in overcrowding. Dr. Amy Ellis Green recommends removing one or two natural teeth to create more space in your jawbone for the remaining teeth to align well.

Understanding The Process of Tooth Extraction

Drs. Ellis, Green, and Jenkins perform tooth extractions differently. The complexity of the tooth structure will often determine the process of extraction. You can undergo two main processes for extracting teeth:

  1. Simple tooth extraction – the dentist will rock your natural tooth back and forth to loosen it from the jawbone, then remove it.
  2. Surgical tooth extraction – is a more intricate procedure. The dentist cuts open the gums, exposing the tooth and bone tissue underneath. The next step entails loosening the tooth to detach it. In some instances, the dentist may break the tooth into small pieces for a smoother extraction process.

Preparing for The Procedure and Recovery

When you have an upcoming tooth extraction appointment, you should prepare for the procedure. Some crucial areas of preparation are:

  1. Eat beforehand – after your treatment, you may not be able to eat as you please, until the extraction wound heals well. Liaise with your dentist about how soon you can eat before your appointment.
  2. Bring someone to your dental appointment – dentists employ sedation dentistry and local anesthesia since an oral extraction procedure is invasive. These medicines numb your mouth and can make you slightly drowsy even after your treatment ends. Therefore, you need someone to drive you home after your treatment.
  3. Plan for downtime – you need time to rest to heal and recover quickly. Therefore, take a break from work beforehand to ease into the rest period immediately after your treatment.
  4. Plan for dietary changes – after the tooth extraction procedure, you cannot eat hard and crunchy foods like before. Therefore, plan for changes in your diet to include soft and bland foods. This will be more crucial during the first week of recovery.

5 Crucial Facts about Tooth Extraction Procedures

To avoid being blindsided and getting overwhelmed about your treatment, here are a few things you should know about tooth extractions:

  1. The procedure is invasive – whether you undergo a surgical tooth extraction or a simple one, it will be invasive.
  2. Everyone experiences side effects after the treatment – once your dentist pulls out your natural tooth, you will experience a few side effects. Examples include swollen gums, bleeding, dental pain, bad breath, sensitivity, and tenderness of the gums, to mention a few.
  3. Healing takes time – be patient even when you experience side effects after your treatment. It should take four to six weeks for your gums and jawbone to heal well. Some patients even need longer.
  4. Your lifestyle choices will impact the speed of recovery – there is a reason all dentists provide guidelines for lifestyle changes immediately after dental extractions. If you don’t quit smoking, drinking alcohol, or eating hard foods, you may delay your healing for longer than the average period.
  5. Medication is necessary after treatment – to alleviate pain and swelling.